wow,cant imagine how happy i am now.U r so sweet, my closest friend.Now at 4.30 am alr and today is my birthday...I sit here and think about u, think about how come i got the cool friend like u and the special day 5 years ago, we met together. It is not only ur lucky day, but also my luckiest day
Thax god to give u to me....thax god so much!!!
Five years ago, i remembered the first time i met u and our lecture let us to sit w the same table.( so should thank to our lecture )..haha actually, i am talkative girl so i started to talk to u quickly and we became friend.
For me, u r so special, u always do something that ppl cant even think about this for me.Even in high school, i am quite funny
but i didnt have many friends or exaclly, i got friends but they r to say...i dunno, maybe they r just my friends, nothing is special, nothing is impressive....can i say actually, i just got u who always care for me everytime i need...u r always by my side, helped me, i cant depict how kind u are
U made my three years in high school were so so so happy and sweet, u gave my cool memories
In my heart, u r my perfect friend, i never feel that our friendship had some problems or something made me sad.Did u feel like this??When , my dear, how come u didnt know?Because i am talkative, i got so many friends but u r so different from them. U look like so quiet but hahaah..just i know, actually, u r so talkative and funny w the ppl u thought that they r ur good friends,right?(of course i am right, i sat the same table w u for 3 years alr
)And u always had many great ideas, i think no ppl can reach them...hahhaha..just u.Maybe u dunno but all ur presents u gave me in my birthdays are the coolest i've got. I got friends, in my birthdays , they gave me so many presents which are so expensive or so beautiful but comparing with ur to say....I kept ur presents so carefully hahaha.
Ok, Let i tell u some presents which u gave me. U remember the note book that u gave me, it was simple present if it would not have ur drawing inside, wow cooland another one was the painting by sand which was made by u...u didnt know how happy i was when i received it. Ppl just gave me the present they bought and thought that it is useful for me...I thank for their presents..but with ur presents, it made me emotional, deeply in my heart.
Just a simple reason, coz u know me, understand me, so u know what i want, right??
And today, u continue to make me suprise ur present. Even we live far from each other now and this is the first time i celebrate my birthday without sad...huhuhubut ur present....made me so emotional...even made my cry now.U said u started to write ur blog coz of is ur present to give me and u posted ur first blog about me...How come u r so kind of me, my dear?love u so much
For ur failure, dun be sad, my dear. U r greatest ppl i've knownI know failure just made u r more brave...nothing can stop u,my dear.Whatever happens, i am always by ur side, see u r happy w ur success and sad w ur failure.I know u have enough brave to overcome every hardness....believe ur close friend lah..,,happy...happy
i proud of u, love u and miss u so much..
..i dunno what should i say word can descrise our friendship...Something just u can do for me, must be u, no one esle.Our friendship will be forever and forever.....
wow, 6.00am alr hahahha ur present made me cant sleep tonight,ok my dear, i am really so happy to have friend like u, u have a deeply part in my heart, i never forget u , never forget what u did for me...Thax u for everything. Thax God(again) to give u to me.U r really a special present from God in my life!!!!
I wanna go back VN to see u now but i cant huhuhuhuok, no choice lah
wait for me until Christmas, i will go back and see u.We will have a nice time....see u soon, my dear
wow, thax Dao iu nhiu:)
sinh nhat vui ve nha Ngua
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