even that happened 3 months alr bt i still think about this, i am so worried about u, bt when i came back vn, i didnt meet u, m afraid, m afraid that i cant say anything to u,m afraid to see u like this..u remember, we studied together in kindergarten!ur mom is my grandma' sister so mean u r my aunt even u r same age me!!!i know u r so sad..cant imagine how sad u r ...i dunno how to say..but actually, when it is happened , m in Sing, i cried a lot but i dun imagine u r terrible like that...pls listen to me, ur mom used to our teacher, i love her also,u r so important for me, pls believed the truth, can? stop hurting urself anymore..we must overcome it, u must show that u r her cool daughter...let her take a nice sleep in heaven...if u continue hurt urself like this, she will be so sad..and u dun wanna, right?Dun do this again, can? pls, promise me,so many ppl love u, worry about u ...i..u r my friend, my aunt, my sis...i can tell u everything and even we shared our clothes in our childhood.we spent our childhood together,i got a lot of happy memories..so, i love u too much,if u try to kill urself again, i never forgive u, never....u know how shock i am today when i hear that...pls, my dear, pls...i wish i can help u, i can do something for u, but so sorry, i cant do anything which makes u feel better...pls,know that i love u too much and i dun wanna lost u!!!
Life sucks, never fair...