Today is so sad lost Thailand again 0-2
...Actually, Vn played better than Thai, but god didnt bless us..huhu..m so sad now
..feeling like dun wanna do anything.
Four days later vn will have match in Thailand. I know that is so hard to vn to win Thai more than 3 goals bt i never stop hoping...u can do, my dear, i no u can...I and all vietnamese students in Sing wanna see vn team again in sing ..the final match...pls dun make me disappointing huhu
anyway, m always proud of u, believe u and love u dear vnHope that i can see u again in national sing stadium and i can smile like this pic above again..
@Jin: thax my dear, i hope so hoho^0^
@Ben: bro noi thi dung rui ss cua a dong y 2 chan 2 tay nguyen ca body hehehohohihi
@Chi iu: hixhix e hong mun tin dzao su that, cu ke, no xay ra thi thui, jio chua xay ra, e con 4 ngay de hi dzong hehe..c iu, thay e iu nc hong( boi dzay cai lon dzoi ban Rith voi ban Sothun dzia vn hoai hoho^^)
Vietnam play better than Thai.
even feel a little disappoint.
but i still believe Vietnam will win Thai 3-0 in Thai.
ya ya ya,,dont worry, we will win for sure, bur today is the hopeless day, everything turn badly even vietnam had a change fistly but they didnt know how to creat a dangerous situation before goal of thainland,,hu hu,,but we will get in the final match in singapore because the coach of vienam RIDDLE, he said, we will pass out even we lost in MY DINH stadium,,so i beleive him and hoping that will be true at all...
uhmm...very forwarding to the future...very good...uhm but sometime need to see the reality..."em iu" :)
chai!!! trong blog nay co nhiu fan ham mo cua Vietnam team woa. co phai la Holigan ko be N??????
Today VN vs Thai... though VN had given Laos a very memorable gift of 9 goals he he but I cheer VN ... hope this match will be more exciting !
@ Ha:hehe hong hiu be N noi ji mu sao nhiu ng ung ho vn we, mac du may ng doa hong phai ng vn dza vn coi nhu het hi dzong toi nay hixhix:(
@ Joy: thax my cool friend:)even we got so allitle chance..but i still believe vn wil win lor:)
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